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Notre distributeur au Québec est ranch Cunicole .

Vous pouvez commander auprès d'eux ou directement sur le site de Chick'N Swell


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We have a distributor in Ontario: Pharmbarn , you can order directly with them or with us on this website.



Chick'N Swell™ offers a line of natural essential oil products specifically developed for the maintenance of overall chicken health. No egg or meat withdrawal required. Safe to use every day. 100% natural. Recommended by veterinarians and used by large producers and industries.


Moisturizes and helps maintain overall health

Supports immunity

Contributes to eggshell quality

Supports digestive health

Chick’N Swell™

  • Chick’N™ Breath
  • Chick’N™ Egg Calcium and Vit D3
  • Chick’N ™ Gut gastro-digestive-bowel-intestine
  • Chick’N ™Electrolytes 300 g
  • Chick'N Vitamins+ 300 g
  • Chick’N ™ Protect
  • Chick’N ™ Prebiotic+ 300 g
  • Chick’N ™ Balm
  • Chick’N ™ Digestion clean intestin
  • Chick'N Treat 900 g -2 lbs 15 x per box
  • Trio Pack


My new hens have adapted well to my old ones, thanks to ChicK'n Refresh which keeps them calm and happy.

Cindy S.
Since I have been using Chick N Gut, I have noticed that my chickens are healthier. I notice an improvement in droppings and plumage
Annie T. Agronome

Wonderful products to use as preventative for different things that can ail chickens. I purchased Breath and used it for 7 days and it cleared up my rooster's raspy breathing. All the birds loved the water and drank a lot more than usual which is great. I'd love to try them all, but especially Gut as I'm thinking it may help prevent sour crop or even vent gleet. Here's a picture of my Silverudd Isbar rooster and a couple of his girls (all the others are outside).

Ruth G.

My hens needed more encalcium and Chick'N Egg fixed the thin shell problem after a few days.

Ruth G.

Notre poule était vraiment mal en point. On voulait même la sacrifier. Ses pattes étaient pleines de croûtes épaisses et son plumage terriblement dépouillé. C'est à ce moment que j'ai vu le site de Poules en ville sur Facebook. J'ai contacté Louise Arbour, qui m'a donné plein de conseils mais elle m'a surtout recommandé un produit a base de souffre et d'huiles essentielles. ( Chick'N Balm) Grâce à ses instructions et à mes soins, notre poule est guérie et, 2 ans plus tard, continue à nous donner de bons oeufs et à nous démontrer de l'affection.

Irene Sobolewski

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